TheCalendar v1.0a - Specialize VB Form Contents: 1. Overview. 2. What's new to version 1.0a 3. In the future 3. Suggestions 4. Special offer to programmer's 1. Overview: TheCalendar is a specialized VB form completely developed in Visual Basic. It provides multiple ways of showing and retrieving a date in calendar form. With spinner buttons, a popup menu and drop down you can quickly reach the date you are looking for. An now with drag -n- drop in version 1.0a, users can quickly drag off a date and drop it into a date field without pressing Ok. If you are a programmer, please read below for more information and a SPECIAL OFFER on the CODE now at a LOWER PRICE than before. TheCalendar is designed to take a copy of a text control that is used as a date field and shows it quickly in calendar form. ShowCalendar is the routine you will call to activate TheCalendar. The CALENDAR.BAS module then takes over and manages all operations with helpful functions and routines you can use in your own programming. The following is an example of its call: Example: ShowCalendar Text1 ShowCalendar creates a copy of Text1 control and associates itself with it. It knows where to put the date once you press Ok. TheCalendar requires the following modules (VBXs and DLLs). THREED.VBX SPIN.VBX MSAFINX.DLL VBRUN300.DLL TheCalendar executable (demo) included here is given free of charge but has no particular use unless used in a Visual Basic Program. It makes a nifty desktop calendar/clock. 2. What's new to version 1.0a: - Drag -N- Drop capability has been implemented and a demo of it is available. Just click on a date and drag it within TheCalendar and drop it. Because TheCalendar is not a MDI Child form yet you cannot drag that date off TheCalendar to an awaiting textbox. - Right mouse click popup menu has been implemented and all functionality common to the buttons, spinners and the dropdown has been included. 3. In the future: - Future version will include a calendar the will expand to a full year and give the user an even faster way of getting to a date. 4. Suggestions: If you have any suggestions on anything regarding TheCalendar, please drop me EMAIL and I will see if that would be a great idea to put into action. 5. Special Offer: If you like TheCalendar and would like the code behind it send $30 dollars to the address below. I previous offered TheCalendar for $45 but I would like everyone to take advantage of this great tool. That's a $15 dollar savings and if you have already sent $45, you will receive a refund. Send $30.00 to: Megabyte Services P.O. Box 821524 Dallas, Texas 75382 Thank you LMEGABYTE...